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Donor Spotlight: Karen Long

"When you go through something like cancer, being a monthly donor is a way to give back and to honor all the people who have helped you on your journey."

Karen Long


Breast cancer survivor pays it forward for future patients

Through her monthly recurring donations to the Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund, Karen Long is impacting the lives of breast cancer patients at Huntsville Hospital Breast Center.

Karen Long was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer in 2018. Advanced technology purchased by donations to the Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund made it possible for Karen's breast cancer to be detected earlier and more accurately.

Today, Karen is five years cancer free and chooses to spread her impact throughout the year by giving monthly. Read her interview to learn more!

How did you get involved with Huntsville Hospital Foundation and our mission?

Karen: I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer in 2018 and just celebrated 5 years cancer free! The care I received at the Huntsville Hospital Breast Center was exceptional from start to finish. From the moment a diagnosis is made there is an immediate process in place. Patti Hopkins, my breast health navigator, and dear friend just swooped in and provided guidance, was so knowledgeable, answered every question, listened to my concerns, and calmed my fears. The diagnostic equipment that is used to detect cancer earlier and more accurately at both Huntsville Hospital and Madison Hospital Breast Centers is a direct result of the donations given to the Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund. This is why I got involved. To pay it forward to all the people who have been and will be diagnosed after me.

What inspires you to give to the Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund?

Karen: I am inspired by all the people and businesses who donated before me. Their donations allowed the Huntsville Hospital Breast Center to purchase the ultrasound machines that detected my breast cancer. The mammogram I had that day did not detect the lump in my breast, but because I was encouraged to have an ultrasound due to dense breast tissue, they found the lump and biopsied it the same day. This dense breast survey letter began just before I was diagnosed.

Why do you choose to spread your impact to the Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund throughout the entire year as a monthly donor?

Karen: I drive by the Huntsville Hospital Breast Center on Adams St and the HH Foundation daily on my way to work so I am constantly reminded of my experiences with both. When you go through something like cancer, being a monthly donor is a way to give back and to honor all the people who have helped you on your journey. I am grateful to support this amazing organization that does so much for ALL people right here in the Huntsville/Madison and surrounding areas.

How has Huntsville Hospital, Huntsville Hospital for Women & Children or Madison Hospital impacted you and/or your family?

Karen: Cancer affected everyone in our family especially my husband and our two daughters. The relationships we had with our healthcare providers, their guidance and genuine concern was such a comfort. They gave us hope during a difficult time!

What do you hope to accomplish through your philanthropy?

Karen: Knowledge is power and I hope that everyone will understand the importance of their annual mammogram and/or ultrasound. The Breast Center is there for you and absolutely may save your life! None of us want to be a member of this club, but I am grateful that I can now walk beside other women and provide an ear to listen and a heart to care.

What do you wish more people knew about the Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund?

Karen: Every single donation matters no matter how big or small! The Ribbon Run is something people of all ages can participate in together. Family, friends, people of all ages come together to save lives. I was also fortunate to participate in the Surviving and Thriving program lead by Lydia Cole. It was very powerful to spend 8 weeks beside ladies with similar stories upon the completion of our treatments. Looking forward to wearing that beautiful warm robe on my next visit! May God bless every single person who donates to the Huntsville Hospital Foundation / Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund!

Monthly giving is an easy, automatic way to help your hospital that works for your budget and schedule. No matter the amount, your recurring donation has a serious impact: knowing we can count on receiving your gift each month makes it easier for us to be prepared for whatever need arises.

To learn more about becoming a monthly donor like Karen, click here.

Karen and her family