Ways to Give
There are many ways you can make a difference in the lives of patients at our not-for-profit hospitals. 100% of your donation benefits the unit or program of your choice!

Donate by cash, check or credit card
Gifts can be designated to the department or nursing unit of your choice, or to the area of greatest need.

Set up a monthly recurring gift
Join our Give Simply monthly giving program and your chosen gift amount will be charged each month. This is an easy way to budget your giving, and make an ongoing impact throughout the year.
Click here to up your recurring gift, or call our office at (256) 265-8077.

Give a memorial or tribute gift
Your gift of any amount will honor a family member, friend or colleague. The Foundation staff is happy to assist families wishing to have memorial gifts made to Huntsville or Madison Hospital in lieu of flowers.

Honor a Care Champion
Make a Care Champion gift in honor of a physician, nurse or other caregiver who made a difference in your hospital visit or stay.

Make a planned gift
The Foundation has a well-established planned giving program and gratefully accepts legacy gifts such as bequests and retirement or life insurance beneficiary status.
Planned givers become members of the Heritage Society, some of our most treasured donors.
Email Lynne Berry at lynne.vallely@hhsys.org to learn more.

Give appreciated securities
Giving appreciated securities, such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds allows you to avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated portion of the asset. We can work with you and your advisers to make gift arrangements.
Contact Anna Blocker to get started.

Register your Kroger Plus card
Designate Huntsville Hospital Foundation as your Kroger Community Rewards recipient and we will receive a donation every time you swipe your card!