Started life small... but living life big!
Hutson Lang was born at 27 weeks weighing 2lbs 2oz . He recieved care in the NICU for 61 days. Hutson is now seven years old!
Tell us about your “now” photo and how your child is living life big!
Hutson never turns down the opportunity to learn something new! He is currently obsessed with music - singing it, playing it, dancing to it. He’s learning to play the drums and recently became the proud new owner of a new ukulele.
How did the NICU and Melissa’s Fund help ensure milestones like this were possible for your child and family? What does that mean to you?
Melissa’s Fund was instrumental in providing my sweet boy with the lifesaving equipment needed to save his life. Watching Hutson finding a passion for things he enjoys makes my heart swell with pride. My home is filled with drum beats and ukulele chords - and it is literal music to my ears. These type of ‘everyday moments’ are exactly what i dreamed about during our time in the NICU.
What is a special/fond memory you have of your time in the NICU?
While we experienced so many special moments with Hutson in the NICU, one of our fondest memories is the day we arrived for care time to find that Hutson had a new “cubby mate”, Vandy. We met her parents, prayed together, and forged a friendship that’s spanned nearly 7 years. We’ve celebrated birthdays, mourned losses, and taken vacations with the treasured friends we found in that cubby.
Why does your family support our NICU through Miracle Bash and Melissa’s Fund?
Our family chooses to support Miracle Bash because we want to do our part to ‘pay it forward’. We want to help ensure that the families who come after us will enter a NICU filled with not only the best doctors, nurses, and staff - but the absolute very best equipment! After all, it’s the ‘everyday moments’ that tend to be the most beautiful.