Started life small... but living life big!
Jordan Wesley Morgan was born at 26 weeks + 6 days weighing 1lb 4oz. He recieved care in the NICU for 120 days. Jordan is now three years old!
Tell us about your “now” photo and how your child is living life big!
Jordan is thriving! He has been discharged from all of our therapy services and Early Intervention. He loves any and all animals. His is especially into learning about sea creatures and dinosaurs right now. He would bring home all the shark, dolphin, and whale toys if we let him. He did talk us into several on our recent trip to Disney World. The Seas with Nemo was his favorite.
How did the NICU and Melissa’s Fund help ensure milestones like this were possible for your child and family? What does that mean to you?
We know that Jordan was able to receive the best possible care at our Huntsville Huntsville for Women and Children's NICU. He was not only given the best care with the use of state of the art equipment, but he was loved and cared for by the amazing nurses, physicians, therapists and staff. Much of the equipment used with Jordan was there because of Melissa's Fund.
What is a special/fond memory you have of your time in the NICU?
There were so many but there really isn't anything more special than when our nurse, Paris Milar, put my one week old tiny micro preemie in my arms for the first time. I was a nervous wreck, but Paris took time to reassure me that I wasn't going to break him and she was right there across at the desk and would be monitoring his vitals the entire time. It was a moment I'll carry with me forever.
Why does your family support our NICU through Miracle Bash and Melissa’s Fund?
Oddly enough, I have known the George family and been involved with Swim for Melissa for many years. I believe with my whole heart that God placed them in my life all those years ago because He knew I would need to know their story to prepare for mine. Knowing them and all the good that has come from Melissa's Fund gave me all the peace I needed to make it through our very own journey through the NICU.