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The Caring House is the only childhood bereavement program in Madison County, and fills an important need for our schools, hospitals and community. The Huntsville Hospital program relies on donations to HHF to provide these educational and therapeutic services at no cost to families – and the benefits are priceless.

A safe place for children to grieve and heal

Childhood bereavement can have a profound negative impact on a child’s wellbeing and mental health, with increased instances of depression, anger, academic difficulties, and health issues. If kids are not given the tools to cope with loss in a healthy way, they may turn to drugs or alcohol, or even attempt suicide. The Caring House provides those tools and a safe place for children and their families to cope, learn to process their grief, and start a journey toward healing and joy.

Donations fund evidence-based initiatives such as:

  • peer grief group sessions

  • one-on-one grief support

  • grief camps

  • support services throughout our public schools

“Clinical settings can be hard, but The Caring House has a totally different feeling. It’s almost as though you can finally take a deep breath and sink in to the cute little bungalow, knowing that you and your child are in a safe and understanding space ... It is vital that our community has this space where children can go to share and feel cared for.”
Lacey Schoff

To request a telephone consultation for The Caring House program, please call (256) 265-HOPE (4673)