A Special Note to Our Donors: COVID-19
How you can help your regional hospital & front-line caregivers during the COVID-19 crisis

A Special Note to Our Donors: COVID-19
Now more than ever, our Hospital community is faced with a challenging and unprecedented environment. Huntsville Hospital System and regional leaders are working together to continuously evaluate and manage the ever-evolving COVID-19 situation. Because of you, our hospital is equipped, ready and responsive to this health care crisis.
Huntsville Hospital Foundation is dedicated to serving you, our patients, hospital employees and community during this time of crisis, as well. We are preparing to step in and make a difference by providing employee assistance, pursuing grant opportunities for crisis funding, and raising emergency funds to provide for unanticipated critical supply and equipment needs.
Two ways you can partner with us:
- Donate to the Emergency Assistance Fund at HHF and directly support the growing and rapidly changing needs of our hospitals and staff who are on the front lines, at ground-zero of this crisis. Your tax-deductible gift will provide critical financial assistance for employees and hospital resource needs.
- Honor our front-line Care Champions by saying thank you to our doctors, nurses and staff for all they are doing to ensure our community has access to the best care possible. Share your words of encouragement and recognize a physician, nurse, other care provider or entire department with a donation to the Foundation. Honorees will receive a card with your special message and a custom-crafted Care Champion pin to wear proudly each day. The amount of your gift will not be disclosed.
Mail a check payable to Huntsville Hospital Foundation (note Emergency Assistance Fund in the memo), or easily donate online at huntsvillehospitalfoundation.org/covid19.
Patients across the Tennessee Valley are counting on your continued support as the Hospital System responds to the rapidly changing health care needs of your friends, family and neighbors. We are here for you and are committed to keeping you informed on the most up-to-date information.
With you now and in the days to come,
Sarah Savage-Jones
Huntsville Hospital Foundation
Stay informed with the most current coronavirus information and resources: Please call the Alabama Department of Public Health at (334) 206-5347, or visit alabamapublichealth.gov/infectiousdiseases/2019-coronavirus.html.
801 Clinton Avenue East, Huntsville, AL 35801 | (256) 265-8077 | huntsvillehospitalfoundation.org